
Finding friendships during tenuous times: School club raising support for cross-cultural learning

Provided photo Lake Placid Language Club participants pose with members of Quebec-based band Le Vent du Nord at the Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh on Feb. 9.

LAKE PLACID — In reviving a summer exchange program, Lake Placid High School French teacher Cara Atkinson and the students in her language club hope to strengthen their language skills and do their small part in maintaining friendly relations with our neighbors to the north.

The language club meets throughout the year, taking part in activities like small trips around the region, trying international foods and watching international films. Last month, they went to Plattsburgh for a performance by Le Vent du Nord, a Quebec-based group that performs both traditional Québécois music and music written in a neo-traditional francophone folk style. This was organized through a partnership with Hill and Hollow Music and Lake Placid’s Community Schools Program.

The students said they enjoyed the music even more than they expected to — the band invited the audience to join in by clapping and dancing. But they also had the chance to speak with the band members afterward, a rare opportunity to converse with native French speakers.

“(The band member) was a very empathetic listener because he encouraged me to keep speaking in French although sometimes I was unsure of a word,” said Robert Bowen, who is also the club president.

This summer, a handful of the students will get to experience an even deeper language immersion as they stay for a week with host families in Quebec City, taking classes and participating in summer camps, all while practicing their French. Jim Guglielmi said he’s been to Quebec before, but he’s excited to have the additional benefit of staying with a family, rather than a hotel.

Atkinson and her students expect this experience to push them outside their comfort zone, from using French in different settings to relying on public transportation for the first time. In addition to their classes, the students will also be choosing camps to participate in. Several of the students are hoping to participate in an arts and theater camp. Calvin Branchaud is hoping to do a horseback riding camp.

The students are also excited to improve their language skills. For many of them, language is an important part of their goals post-high school.

Guglielmi said he’s excited to be able to better understand music and movies in French, which will also be an asset because he’s hoping to go into the arts field. Alexandra Garibay said she wants to become an interpreter, so studying languages is key. Branchaud is hoping his experience will help him better understand and help visitors from Canada who come to the Lake Placid region.

Atkinson said this kind of experience is important for students because it gives them “real-world opportunities” to learn French in context. The last time LPHS had a similar trip was before the pandemic, in 2018. She thinks it’s especially important to make connections with people outside of the classroom.

“There’s certain attitudes that come with people who live outside of the area,” she said. “So I think, especially now, having real human connections with our historic neighbor to the north is very important.”

Bowen agreed, saying he thinks a peaceful relationship between the U.S. and Canada is important.

“I think it’s really important for us as Americans to understand that Canadians are our friends,” he said. “Our politicians don’t have to dictate exactly how we feel about each other because we share this continent together.”

The students are fundraising to help pay for their trip by selling flowers, which can be ordered online from Flower Power Fundraising. To support this fundraiser, visit tinyurl.com/3pe99zry. Atkinson is also looking for individuals and businesses willing to help sponsor scholarships for the students to help with this trip. Anyone interested can reach out to her at catkinson@lakeplacidcsd.net.

Starting at $1.44/week.

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