NEW YORK (AP) — Travelers to New York from other U.S. states will no longer be required to quarantine starting April 1, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced March 11.
Cuomo, who has been easing coronavirus restrictions amid calls for his resignation over sexual harassment allegations, said the ...
LAKE PLACID — New York Maple Weekends — featuring facility tours and special events the third and fourth weekends of March — have been canceled for the second year in a row due to the coronavirus pandemic.
New York State Maple Producers Association Executive Director Helen Thomas ...
LAKE PLACID — Still, to this day, he doesn’t know where he got it from. COVID-19, that is.
Village Trustee and Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort owner Peter Holderied was feeling fine in the days before the Presidents Day holiday weekend. He worked, had meals with his family. It was business ...
SARANAC LAKE — The last year of Adirondack Health CEO and President Sylvia Getman’s 30-year career has been marked by the largest health care emergency in decades.
The COVID-19 pandemic increased the importance of the health care organization’s role in the community, and at the same ...
ALBANY — Some New Yorkers are driving hours to get the COVID-19 vaccine because they are unable to find appointments closer to home through a state website.
Residents of the Albany and Buffalo areas in particular have complained on social media and to their local lawmakers that they have ...
LAKE PLACID — The Adirondak Loj and High Peaks Information Center are now closed until further notice after at least one person connected to the facility tested positive for COVID-19.
A spokesman for the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK), which operates the Loj and HPIC, said on Monday ...