LAKE PLACID — Every June, a few days before school lets out for the summer, Lake Placid Elementary School students spend Field Day running, chasing, tug-of-warring and water balloon-battling with their teachers and friends.
This year’s Field Day was Tuesday, June 18, and community ...
KEENE VALLEY — For what may be the first time in the school’s history, Keene Central has named two valedictorians.
Madison Klotzko and Pia Morrelli are the co-valedictorians of Keene Central School’s nine-member class of 2024. The two students will both speak at graduation on June ...
LAKE PLACID — At some schools, passing a big state test or winning championships signify a student is ready to take on the world. At Mountain Lake Academy on the River Road, success is measured a little differently: in hikes, climbs, paddling trips and sunrises.
Mountain Lake Academy ...
LAKE PLACID — There’s a mural in a corner of the first-floor hallway at Lake Placid Elementary School that tracks the progress of students working their way to the summit of the 46er Book Club. The students who reached the top of the book-reading mountain this year were treated to ...