
WE ARE LAKE PLACID: Diana Friedlander, Holiday Light Extravaganza

Diana Friedlander and her dog Kosta, pronounced like the "Costa" in Costa Rica. (Photo provided)
A map of the Holiday Light Extravaganza participants in Lake Placid is available on the Google Earth app. It was created by Diana Friedlander. (News photo — Andy Flynn)
Holiday lights on Greenwood Street (News photo — Andy Flynn)

LAKE PLACID — Lake Placid News Editor Andy Flynn interviewed Diana Friedlander, who created a map on the Google Earth app that helps people drive around the village of Lake Placid to look at the holiday lights. It’s called the Holiday Light Extravaganza, and more than 20 properties are featured.

Listen to a portion of this interview on the “We are Lake Placid” podcast from the Lake Placid News by visiting Apple Podcasts at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-are-lake-placid/id1388667446?mt=2.

Also listen on Soundcloud at https://soundcloud.com/user-340941505 and Stitcher at https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lake-placid-news/we-are-lake-placid.

This podcast is sponsored by Adirondack Health.

Read the original story at https://www.lakeplacidnews.com/news/local-news/2020/12/10/new-online-map-guides-holiday-light-seekers-around-lake-placid/.

Starting at $1.44/week.

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