
WE ARE LAKE PLACID: Jim McKenna, Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism

Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism CEO James McKenna, far left, helps announce the creation of six new cuisine trails in the Adirondack Region on Oct. 5, 2018, at Tucker Farms in Gabriels. Also shown, from left, are state Department of Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Richard Ball and Ernest Hohmeyer, co-owner of the Lake Clear Lodge & Retreat and member of the Adirondack Cuisine Trail Association. (News photo — Andy Flynn)

LAKE PLACID — Lake Placid News Editor Andy Flynn interviewed Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism CEO Jim McKenna about the destination management plan the organization is working on for the village of Lake Placid and town of North Elba. ROOST is the marketing organization for Lake Placid and Essex County, Hamilton County, Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake and Piercefield.

Listen to a portion of this interview on the “We are Lake Placid” podcast from the Lake Placid News by visiting Apple Podcasts at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-are-lake-placid/id1388667446?mt=2.

Also listen on Soundcloud at https://soundcloud.com/user-340941505 and Stitcher at https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lake-placid-news/we-are-lake-placid.

This podcast is sponsored by Adirondack Health.

Read the original story at https://www.lakeplacidnews.com/news/local-news/2021/04/15/quality-of-life-for-residents-quality-of-place-for-visitors/.

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