LPHS Winter Carnival starts on Feb. 29
LAKE PLACID — The 81st Annual Lake Placid High School Winter Carnival will take place on Thursday, Feb. 29 and Friday, March 1.
The opening ceremony will be held on Feb. 29 during school hours. Coronation will be at 6 p.m. that evening in the gymnasium. This year’s Winter Carnival theme is “Tropical.” The Lake Placid Central School Class of 2036 will provide entertainment for the coronation proceedings.
The Winter Carnival Hockey Tournament took place at the end of January, with the following teams competing: SLP, Aquinas Institute, Malone and NCCS. The winner was Aquinas Institute.
Peggy Moore will serve as the 2024 archbishop. She was born in Lake Placid and graduated from Lake Placid High School. The LPHS Winter Carnival is near and dear to her heart, and she has devoted her time volunteering with coronation for the last 20 years. She was even a page for coronation when she was in kindergarten.
Moore retired after 22 years at LPES as a teaching assistant and has spent much of her free time over the years volunteering for a number of different activities and organizations in Lake Placid. She and her husband Tom have two children, Patrick and Juliana, son-in-law John and 2-year-old grandson JJ. She is excited to be taking on this special role in this year’s winter carnival.