Good sports at Saranac

Student athletes from the Saranac Central School modified through varsity Boys and Girls Soccer Program raised $13,408.22 for the ALICE Project at United Way of the Adirondack Region Inc. The ALICE Project provides a “hand up” to working families facing hardship, crisis and mishap throughout the region. The Saranac Soccer Program has a long history of raising money, volunteering and engaging the community in valuable ways. John Bernardi, President & CEO of United Way said “These student athletes and their coaches represent a ground swell of empathy, compassion and generosity, which is not only critical to helping people in-need, but is also inspiring to other students and groups in our region. Our organization is very impressed by this effort and grateful to be entrusted with this incredible opportunity.” Pictured here is Bernardi with members of the boys and girls soccer teams.