
Message received

At December’s monthly Wilmington town board meeting, Deputy Supervisor Darin Forbes provided prepared remarks in which he stated, “The conception [sic] out there is we aren’t listening to people, so I really wanted to take some time for myself, plug some data into AirDNA, look at some of this to see if we really aren’t listening, or if our points are valid.”

I don’t know the origins of that public perception, but perhaps it emanated from Forbes’ attempt to silence all voices in opposition to his stance on STRs at the October town board meeting, during which he made a motion prohibiting the town board from discussing STRs for the remainder of the calendar year. Forbes’ motion passed on a 3-1 vote. (Supervisor Roy Holzer and his handpicked town board appointee, Michelle Preston, were the two supporting votes.) Perhaps the perception was further bolstered when, rather than taking the opportunity to actually “listen to people,” Forbes disregarded the motion he made in October and proceeded to spend a few minutes at the December meeting reciting irrelevant numbers about STRs.

Listening implies not speaking; it implies thoughtful attention and consideration. By definition, “to listen” is to hear something.

Giving a prepared speech is the opposite of listening.

Is our town board listening when our town supervisor flatly states, as he did at the December meeting, “You are not changing my opinion?”

The perception that a majority of our town board is close-minded, out of touch and completely inflexible about “hot-topics” in the community was reinforced when people spoke up at the December meeting and Forbes and Holzer proceeded to argue with them.

After spending a year using an array of tactics — including gaslighting, sidestepping the relevant issues, changing the topic and banning discussion — to ignore, minimize and dismiss the obviously significant level of community opposition to their brazenly outdated and unfair STR permitting scheme, at the April town board meeting Forbes and Holzer again demonstrated the complete irrelevance of public opinion.

In April, the supervisor and his deputy denied a well-qualified applicant for an alternate position on the town’s planning board. Unlike the other applicants for the position, this applicant took the time to familiarize herself with the zoning code; routinely attended planning board meetings; wrote a thoughtful letter expressing her interest in the position; and received a possibly unprecedented outpouring of public support, including numerous letters in support of her appointment and a petition expressing the same sentiment — which were collectively signed by more than 60 community members.

Instead of appointing this highly qualified woman, Forbes and Holzer appointed a man who happens to be a friend and political ally of theirs and claimed that his appointment was made based on objective criteria.

As was the case at this time a year ago, there are no women on Wilmington’s joint planning and zoning board.

Recently, Forbes and Holzer yet again demonstrated their indifference to their constituents’ opinions with a thinly veiled proclamation against a survey being conducted by local citizens.

Simply stated: It seems Forbers and Holzer do not support an opportunity for community members to express their opinions about local issues important to them. Instead of supporting the survey effort and seeking to learn about the survey’s results, Holzer and his deputy sought to undermine the survey’s legitimacy.

They have yet again indicated that they do not condone learning where many in the community stand on hot-button topics.

Perhaps this is because they don’t care if they are furthering the goals of a powerful minority, or if their actions are in fact in congruence with the beliefs of most Wilmington residents.

If, after the December meeting, there remained any question whatsoever as to whether the town supervisor and his appointed deputy are listening to the people of Wilmington, there should be no questions now.

Holzer and Forbes have shown time and time again that they will barrel forward in pursuit of their own agenda. I thank Mr. Holzer and Mr. Forbes for providing Wilmington voters with greater clarity about our leaders’ priorities. Message received loud and clear.

(Brigette E. Levitt lives in Wilmington.)

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