
HISTORY IS COOL: 90 years ago

Nov. 17, 1933

Lake freezes

Residents of this village were surprised upon rising Thursday morning to find that the waters of Mirror Lake had closed from shore to shore. According to the record that has been kept by F. B. Guild for the past 30 years, the only time the lake has frozen over as early as Nov. 16 was 26 years ago. It closed on that date in 1907.

Although the steam rolled and seemed to boil from the surface of the lake all day Wednesday, indicating that the water was cooling fast in the zero temperature which prevailed, little ice had formed about the edges and the complete freezing was unexpected. Last year, the lake closed over Nov. 28, opening April 24.

Post office

According to dispatches from Washington, Lake Placid is to have a new post office costing $78,650.

Architecture of the projected new post offices at Lake Placid and Massena, authorized by President Roosevelt last Saturday, will be a radical departure from the heavy granite and limestone structures which have for generations marked the federal post office.

The post offices will be built of brick and each will follow a standard plan already prepared by the office of the treasury supervising architect. They will also be smaller than was at first intended. This will eliminate hiring an outside architect to design the building.

Work on the structure will get underway as quickly as possible, it was stated at the treasury. The first step in this process will be issuance of a call for building site offers.

In securing sites for the buildings, the treasury department has been instructed by the Public Works administrator to “steer clear” of costly corner sites.

Collier’s story

Quentin Reynolds, special writer for Collier’s magazine and member of the editorial staff of that publication, was in Lake Placid Wednesday gathering material for a story on bobsledding which will be published in Collier’s late in December.

Mr. Reynolds was one of the huge staff of feature sports writers who covered the III Olympic Winter Games at Lake Placid in 1932. At that time, he was with Hearst International News Service.

He is one of the best known of the younger fiction writers, several of his stories appearing recently in Collier’s and other magazines. Reynolds, who is a 200-pounder, is no laboratory sports expert. He is an enthusiastic bobsledder and while a student at Brown played tackle on the famous “Iron Men” a few years ago, the football team of destiny that went through the season with practically no substitutions, the same 11 men playing Harvard, Yale and Colgate.

Mr. Reynolds spent part of Wednesday in conference with H. L. Garren, secretary of the North Elba Park Commission.

Venison supper

Members of the Lake Placid post of the American Legion gathered at the Alford Inn Saturday evening for a venison supper in celebration of Armistice Day.

The program at the high school Friday afternoon was given over to an Armistice Day program with patriotic numbers by the band; an address by Leo Cantwell; and a presentation of the junior play.

Stevens House sold

In an auction conducted by William Willett, representing Joseph P. Day of New York, the Stevens House was sold to members of the Stevens Realty corporation for $162,000. The purchase included the hotel annex, cottages and golf grounds.

Starting at $1.44/week.

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