LIONS CLUB LOG: Toboggan races raise money for Lions Club
The annual Lake Placid Lions Club toboggan slide competition took place on the evening of Saturday, Feb. 24 at the historic and recently reconstructed Lake Placid Toboggan Chute, operated by the North Elba Park District, which gives all who dare a thrilling ride that ends halfway across Mirror Lake for those who keep their toboggan on a straight and narrow path.
The winners of the events were determined by volunteers who marked the length of the ride for all participants. The top three teams for two separate events were awarded trophies midway and following the final toboggan.
This year’s event marked the 58th time it was successfully held, and despite chilling conditions, the stairs to the top were filled with anxious riders who kept the starters busy pulling and pushing the sliders to a quick start who were hopeful that their team would have the longest ride across Mirror Lake and take home a coveted team trophy.
Teams consisted of visitors from a wide variety of places such as New York City, New Jersey, Syracuse, Rochester, Ottawa and Washington, D.C. to name a few, and team participants widely varied as families and friends made up the teams which consisted mostly of two to four riders of all sizes and ages per toboggan.
Surprisingly, a lighter two-person team won an event beating out the heavier four-person teams. The message learned — keep the toboggan on a straight course!
The Lake Placid Lions Club sends a hearty thanks to all participants, and to the town of North Elba and its staff who provided the facility for this important Lake Placid Lions Club event and fundraiser, which helps provide the means to provide North Elba community services
The funds generated support local causes including the High Peaks Hospice, Ecumenical Food Pantry, Christmas Party for town children, a youth ski jump competition, Diabetes Foundation, fire department, ambulance service, North Country Life Flight, Shipman Youth Center, Boy Scouts and many other services for our community.
The Lake Placid Lions Club is always looking for new members. To find out more information, you may send a note to The Lions Club of Lake Placid, PO Box 296, Lake Placid NY 12946.
(Dan Wikoff is the King Lion of the Lake Placid Lions Club.)