
HISTORY IS COOL: 90 years ago

Sept. 21, 1934

School addition

Shovels took their first bite of earth from the site for the school addition on Wednesday. Long awaited by the school’s students and teachers, the actual start of digging operations was greeted with enthusiasm by those anxious for more commodious accommodations in classrooms.

Excavation has been started near the present school along the front building line and will be continued toward the rear.

Whiteface phone

Laboring for the last several weeks on the rocky summit of Whiteface Mountain, a group of 40 Civilian Conservation Corps youths from Company 257 at Camp 63 will within a few days complete the new telephone line from the base to the fire tower.

The work of recent weeks has been in drilling holes in the rocky peak in which to set steel poles, necessary to withstand the windy blasts that sweep the rugged mountain top.

In an attempt to provide the fire ranger stationed on the mountain with adequate and fool-proof telephone service in time of emergency, utmost care has been taken to make sturdy the line and its carriers through the miles of timber up the mountain side.

Wooden poles were used on the lower levels where they could be set in the earth, the change to steel supports being made as the crew of conservation youths reached the rocky regions. The steel-poled line carries six or seven thousand feet up one side of the rock and down the other to the ranger’s cabin. A cable has been installed for a mile back from Cone’s camp on Lake Placid.

The boys have been encamped on the mountain since the middle of June to be close to the base operations, living in tents and served by their own kitchen staff.

The Marcy dam project on which a number of camp members have been engaged in improving fishing conditions was completed this week, the waters of the Marcy Brook being spread to form a pond as a natural habitat for trout. The road to the dam has also been worked by the CCC group who have built 2 miles of fire line in this section, which will serve as an ideal foot or bridle trail.

A project similar to that at Marcy dam is underway at South Meadows and work there for this year will be completed about Oct. 15. The dam cannot be closed until the flow is cleared a mile back from the location of the dam.

CCC camp

The recreation building now under construction here for members of Company 257 at Camp 63 will provide many facilities for the amusement of the conservation group during the evenings of the winter months.

Fourteen camp buildings are well underway, and it is expected that the move from tents to winter quarters may be made before severe weather.

One wing of the recreation building will be used as a lecture room for classes and with a removable partition may be used as a stage for entertainment features. A boxing ring will be roped off in the large center room with game tables and other recreational equipment. The western wing will be devoted to a canteen and library.

Much of the outside work on the sleeping barracks is approaching completion. Each of the five buildings, to be heated by stoves, can accommodate 50 men, although less than that number will be housed, according to the present camp quotas.

Wiener roast

An old-fashioned corn and wiener roast is planned by members of the Lake Placid Fish and Game Club at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Connery Pond campsite. Trucks will meet those not provided with transportation at Kennedy’s corner at 3 p.m. and at the Lake Placid post office at 3:30 p.m.

Starting at $1.44/week.

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