Roosevelt landslide
President Franklin D. Roosevelt was reelected to a fourth term Tuesday by a large margin of popular and electoral votes.
With all but a few places still to report, he netted 23,071,640 to Dewey’s 20,277,006.
Roosevelt leads in 35 states with an electoral vote ...
On Saturday, Oct. 26, Northwood School held an open house for members of the community and families considering a private school education for their daughters and sons. For many, a big takeaway is that Northwood’s priority isn’t engaging youth in sports to achieve Olympic or NHL status. ...
Happy Halloween!
I can hardly wait for the annual Keene Central School Halloween parade. Then, after dark, I’ll join some friends on their porch, which is on the Keene Valley trick-or-treat route, to observe the little goblins and pass out candy. There are always some surprisingly creative ...
I attended an awesomely inspiring piano concert recently by Ben Cosgrove at the Essex Quarry. As incredible music goes it had the reach of a powerful spirit that touches ones soul and body. The energy running through me was altered in remarkable ways when I listened to that music as it ...
Steamboat pilot
First to own and operate a steamboat on Lake Placid, Theodore White, 81, was buried at Lewis on Oct. 27. He died on the previous Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leon Cutting, in Elizabethtown.
The “Lake Lily,” an old wood burner, was built in the 1880s ...
It was in Lake Placid that during my 60 years of residency I experienced the blessings of American democracy.
My hope is that the 2024 U. S. presidential elections would reaffirm this tradition.
On Nov. 5, millions of United States citizens will caste their vole in an U.S. presidential ...