We’ve heard this refrain time and time again: “Every vote counts.” It may sound silly or naive, but we still believe it’s true.
With the presidential election, even though we are a blue state, that doesn’t mean Democrats are an automatic shoe-in for winning the state, although it ...
It’s that time of year — frost collecting on pumpkins and snow blanketing the higher peaks. With the colder weather, you can smell the woodsmoke from stoves and boilers outside and the heat registers inside now that furnaces have been kicking on.
Last week, the state Department of ...
We will do what we can to help you with the 2024 voting process in preparation for Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5, and the Essex County Board of Elections in Elizabethtown is also here to help.
In our next issue, we’ll have sample ballots from the towns of Jay, Keene, North Elba and ...
As we wrap up Fire Prevention Week — Oct. 6 to 12 — we have some reminders about fire safety from the Firefighters Association of the State of New York, which coincides with the efforts of the National Fire Protection Association.
This year’s theme is “Smoke Alarms: Make Them Work ...
It’s no surprise that most of the people who took the online poll last week at the Adirondack Daily Enterprise — our sister newspaper — said they know who they will be voting for in the upcoming presidential election.
In all, 638 people voted in this unscientific poll, which asked the ...
Owners of the Mirror Lake Inn have a lot to be proud of — the history of their establishment, the awards that keep coming for their hospitality service, including dining, and their ongoing commitment to the community of Lake Placid.
Over Labor Day weekend, the Weibrechts began ...