
History is Cool

HISTORY IS COOL: 90 years ago

New rink lighting - No electric light poles will mar the setting of the public rink conducted by the village on Mirror Lake this year. Several extremely large floodlights have been installed on the rear of the Garage de Luxe on the lake shore and shed their lights for several hundred ...

HISTORY IS COOL: 75 years ago

Santa Claus visit - Inclement weather forced Santa Claus to make his appearance on Mirror Lake Sunday afternoon via horse and cutter, but over 500 children, and nearly a like number of adults, were on hand to greet him with the children all receiving a stocking filled with toys and ...

HISTORY IS COOL: 80 years ago

50 below - The mercury Saturday night was reported to have dropped to 50 degrees below zero and early church goers Sunday morning braved the 44-below temperature. The thermometer stood at 22 below at noon. Even the natives, accustomed to low temperatures, were apprehensive to stir out ...

HISTORY IS COOL: 40 years ago

Video game craze - You see them all over town during their lunch hour or after school, playing the machines. They range in age from 7 or 8 up to 18 or older. As they huddle over darting objects on a blackened screen, there is a common sense of determination — of inner quiet. Bumps, ...

HISTORY IS COOL: 85 years ago

Escape from the lake - A door which had burst open after impact with a boulder was probably responsible Wednesday night for saving the lives of Marion and Charles Estes of Keene, whose car left the road and turned turtle in Cascade Lake shortly before six o’clock. Miss Estes, a teacher ...

HISTORY IS COOL: 80 years ago

Lyman Epps Jr. dies - In the death at 102 years of Lyman Epps Jr. on Thursday, Nov. 19, Lake Placid lost the last member of a Black family which was instrumental in the early cultural development of this community. His father, Lyman Epps Sr., was one of the trustees guarding the standards ...