
Beware a single-issue decision

To the editor:

As we approach the 2024 election, it is critical that we all exercise our opportunity to vote. It is our one chance every year to help determine who will represent us in local, regional state and national offices.

We all have some very strong positions about specific issues. Some of us are very pro life, some are simply anti abortion and some are pro choice. Some have strong concerns about immigration while others are sympathetic to asylum seekers and are dependent on migrant laborers. Some are strongly Republican others are strongly Democratic. Some are strongly supportive of Israel and others feel that they have overreacted against the Palestinians. Some have a strong positive or negative feeling about a specific candidate.

When making a choice of which candidate(s) to vote for, try not to make the decision based on just one issue. No candidate is perfect and all have some good attributes and some less attractive ones. Try to make your decision based on their overall positions not on just one. If we chose a candidate based only on their position on one issue, we may find that they have many others that we will regret.

Take advantage of all the information available about each candidate and try to avoid or ignore the disinformation and name calling.

David G. Welch

Lake Placid

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